The University of Hawaii (UH) College of Engineering (COE) Career Expo – Fall 2024 was held on September 20th at the Campus Center. Click here for the Fall ’24 Career Expo Guide.
HAPI was there to spread the word about the asphalt industry and career opportunities (see the flyers at the very end of the post):
- Our industry flyer includes information about our HAPI Scholarship, Careers in the Asphalt Industry, Hey NAPA, Women in Asphalt, and NCAT’s Training in Your Pocket videos.
- NAPA’s brochure on Porous Asphalt Pavements is an overview of this material that can be used for more sustainable practices.
- The “3 Reasons Why” flyer discusses why the asphalt industry is any awesome career choice.
To attract students to our table we had a game that offered a chance to win a $25 gift card. The students could picked from a pool of nine questions about the University of Hawaii College of Engineering and the asphalt paving industry. If the student answered it correctly, they were entered into a drawing for the gift card. Winster Bagara, a CE Student, was the winner.
Example Question Posed: Who teaches CEE 461 Pavement Engineering?
– I. N. Robertson, PhD
– A. Singh, PhD
– A. R. Archilla, PhD
– R. Chen, PhD
Click here for the quiz questions and see how many questions you could answer correctly.
It was great meeting the students that may someday be leaders of our industry.
From the College of Engineering: Our Fall 2024 Career Expo is now behind us! For those who missed it, we’ve recapped the event (in under 60 seconds!).
Participating HAPI Members
Yogi Kwong Engineers, LLC
The HAPI Table

Overall Event
Flyers available at the HAPI table