HAPI Giveaways

Stop by the HAPI office at 1287 Kalani Street, and pick-up a bumper sticker and other items to show your support for our asphalt industry.  You are also welcome to help yourself to a copy of Asphalt Magazine, the magazine of the Asphalt Institute and other literature about the asphalt pavement industry.  See all available items below.

These items are also available at the HAPI training events and our lunch meetings.


Office Giveaways

Giveaway table in the HAPI office.


HAPI 25th Final - Cover 25th Anniversary Brochure:  In 2014, HAPI turned 25.  We produced a brochure to commemorate our 25th anniversary. The brochure features some of our major projects, HAPI (industry) highlights, a listing of our past presidents, and the logos of our member companies.

IMG_4976 HAPI promotional items and industry stickers and pins.

IMG_4972 Industry Literature:
– ASPHALT Magazine (Asphalt Institute)
– Asphalt Pavement Magazine (National Asphalt Pavement Association)
– PAVINGPRO Magazine
– Asphalt Technology News (National Center for Asphalt Technology)

IMG_4978 Industry handouts covering various topics.  Those shown are examples of what’s available.

IMG_4979 Bumper stickers!

IMG_4988 Meet Chuck the Truck & Chuck, Jr.

Asphalt Pro’s Asphalt Lane coloring book! Children, and children at heart, learn about the value of asphalt roads and facilities.Coloring used to be reserved for children and the occasional adult who got to babysit them, but recently, the activity has found a different demographic. What started as a niche hobby has now turned into an international trend, as adult coloring books find themselves on more and more bestsellers’ lists throughout the world.

Women of Asphalt Hawaii

Contact Us

Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry
1287 Kalani Street, Suite 202
Honolulu, HI 96817
Tel: 808.847.HAPI (4274)
Email: jon@hawaiiasphalt.org
Contact Form

Asphalt Pavement Guide

An interactive guide to everything about asphalt pavements and pavement treatments including local Hawai’i guidance, procedures and designs.
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