HAPI Scholarships

HAPI Scholarship

Description: This scholarship is to assist college students pursuing a degree in civil engineering, construction management, construction engineering, and other degrees related to the design and construction of infrastructure improvements.  Also student interested in a career in the construction.


  • 2 – $1,000 scholarships to 4-year university students, for both under graduate and post graduate students
  • 2 – $500 scholarship to community college students

Administered by: Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry (HAPI)

Eligibility Criteria: The following criteria must be met to qualify for a scholarship

  • Students must be enrolled full-time at a trade school, community college, or 4-year university.
  • Students must be residents of Hawaii.
  • Preference will be given to students that express interest pursuing a career in the asphalt industry.
  • Preference will be given to students that have a parent employed by a HAPI member.

How to Apply: By October 31, 2025 complete the on-line application (click here) and make the following required submittals:

  • Proof of Hawaii Residency: Item(s) (e.g. Hawaii driver’s license) submitted as proof of Hawaii residency must be to the satisfaction of the selection committee.
  • Essay: An essay no longer than one (1) page double space, with details regarding the reasons that you are applying for our scholarship, including your interest in the asphalt industry.
  • Headshot: A headshot photo of yourself; the photo will be used in a press release and for announcements on our various social media outlets.
  • Additional Submittals for University Applicants:   College Transcript:  PDF of transcript is acceptable.  Reference: Two (2) references (one-page, double spaced letter): One (1) from a faculty member/teacher and one (1) from a HAPI member, an advisor, or supervisor.  Both should not be from someone in your family.
  • Additional Submittals for Community College Applicants:   College Transcript:  PDF of transcript is acceptable. References: one (1) reference (one-page, double spaced letter) from a faculty member/teacher, HAPI member, an advisor, or supervisor.  It should not be from someone in your family.

Award Presentation: The scholarship award will be made at our lunch meeting on January 16, 2026. If you are unable to attend our meeting, you must submit an acceptance video.

Scholarship Coordinator: Submittals may be made via email or by USPS mail to the scholarship coordinator:

Jon M. Young
Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry
1287 Kalani Street, Room 202
Honolulu, HI 96817
Email: jon@hawaiiasphalt.org

Contact Mr. Young if you have any questions or need additional information.

HAPI Scholarship Recipients:

Women of Asphalt Hawaii

Contact Us

Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry
1287 Kalani Street, Suite 202
Honolulu, HI 96817
Tel: 808.847.HAPI (4274)
Email: jon@hawaiiasphalt.org
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