The Asphalt Industry is an Awesome Career Choice Brochure

Our 3 Reasons Why the Asphalt Industry is an Awesome Career Choice Brochure is focused on introducing middle school and high school students to careers in the asphalt industry.  The 3 reasons are:

  • You’ll Leave a Lasting Impression
  • You’ll Provide a Great Service to the Community
  • You’ll Find a Variety of Career Opportunities

The 3 reasons design and information are from a brochure created by our counterpart in Indiana, the Asphalt Pavement Association of Indiana (APAI).

Our brochure also serves as an introduction to HAPI. The back page shows HAPI members on the job and gives a brief description of our association.

3 Reasons Why the Asphalt Industry is an Awesome Career Choice Brochure

Women of Asphalt Hawaii

Contact Us

Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry
1287 Kalani Street, Suite 202
Honolulu, HI 96817
Tel: 808.847.HAPI (4274)
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Asphalt Pavement Guide

An interactive guide to everything about asphalt pavements and pavement treatments including local Hawai’i guidance, procedures and designs.
View Guide

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