Message from Director


As I look back over the long history of Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry (HAPI), I am awestruck by the changes and the growth that we have experienced in our industry. In recent years, we have embarked upon the most ambitious period of growth in our history and surpassed even our own expectations, thanks to our members, government agencies, and community partners.

As the Executive Director, I work on behalf of the asphalt pavement producers, laydown contractors, pavement treatment suppliers, and consultants of HAPI members in Hawaii, plus members based on the mainland. My role is to provide training seminars and workshops, as well as addressing concerns from, government agencies, design consultants and elected officials. These efforts have increased the visibility of our asphalt industry as well as advancing the asphalt pavement solutions throughout the state of Hawaii.

I am honored to be a part of such a great organization. After 32 years, the members of HAPI are more committed than ever to helping our communities and the essential roadways that connect us all. HAPI members design and construct every type of roadway, airfield, harbor, playground, parking lot, athletic field, and racetrack you can imagine. HAPI and its members are committed to improving the quality of our roads. By keeping abreast of new methods and technologies, Hawaii can rest assured we have the best technology at work to improve the roads we rely on every day.

We are improving Hawaii’s roads . . . one lane at a time.

Jon M. Young
Executive Director

Women of Asphalt Hawaii

Contact Us

Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry
1287 Kalani Street, Suite 202
Honolulu, HI 96817
Tel: 808.847.HAPI (4274)
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Asphalt Pavement Guide

An interactive guide to everything about asphalt pavements and pavement treatments including local Hawai’i guidance, procedures and designs.
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