Kentucky visits Kauai

The 2015 Kentucky Highway Industries (KHI) Convention, recently held at the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa,  brought together the Plantmix Asphalt Industry of Kentucky (PAIKY), the Kentucky Association of Highway Contractors (KAHC), and the Kentucky Crushed Stone Association, Inc. (KCSA).

Rich Gribbin, of HAPI member Jas W. Glover, Ltd, was a guest speaker at the PAIKY members meeting.  His presentation titled “Quality Control with Aloha” discussed the differences between asphalt pavement in Kentucky and Hawaii.  The main difference being that Hawaii aggregate tends to be more absorptive.

PAIKY is HAPI’s counterpart in Kentucky.  At the invitation of PAIKY, our executive director Jon Young also attended PAIKY meeting and had the pleasure of meeting several of the PAIKY members.

HAPI thanks Mr. Brian Wood, executive director of PAIKY for extending an invitation to Jon and Rich.  He was a most gracious host.


Rich Gribbin’s presentation.


Rich Gribbin at the podium.


PAIKY members meeting.


PAIKY members meeting. Rich’s wife Barbara is the lady right and front in the photo.


Rich Gribbin of Jas. W. Glover, Ltd.


Women of Asphalt Hawaii

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