HAPI Hired to Conduct the HDOT Field Sampling and Testing Qualification Program (FSTQP)

The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Highways Division (HWY), Materials Testing and Research Branch (HWY-L) has hired the Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry (HAPI) to conduct our periodic Field Sampling and Testing Qualification Program (FSTQP) – Asphalt Module, effective September 1, 2018.

HDOT believes that hiring HAPI as their Asphalt Module trainer will raise the standards of asphalt field sampling requirements. Our executive director Jon Young will be the instructor.

The scope of work for starting the transition includes preparing instructional videos, updating presentations, updating the study guide, developing a written exam, and preparing a sampling pocket guide.

In the future, annual training and exams sessions will be conducted on Oahu every March and September. Sessions will also be conducted on Hawaii Island, Kauai, and Maui in August.

Click here for additional information about the program.

Women of Asphalt Hawaii

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Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry
1287 Kalani Street, Suite 202
Honolulu, HI 96817
Tel: 808.847.HAPI (4274)
Email: jon@hawaiiasphalt.org
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