Drainage Design from the Base Up

The Asphalt Pavement Guide section on drainage featured in our February 2015 newsletter caught the attention of the editor of Asphalt Pro Magazine.  HAPI was contacted by the editor about reprinting the article in their Paving Pro Magazine and we gladly gave permission. We appreciate them sharing our article in their April/May 2015 Issue.

Link to article in Paving Pro Magazine: http://issuu.com/asphaltpro/docs/ap-1504/14

Link to PDF of article: http://bit.ly/1NlUD83

Link to HAPI newsletter article: http://p0.vresp.com/DGk83k

Link to Drainage Section in the HAPI Asphalt Pavement Guide: http://www.stmuench.com/modules/06_design_factors/06_drainage.htm 




Women of Asphalt Hawaii

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Email: jon@hawaiiasphalt.org
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