August 2017 GCA Construction Update Meeting

Executive Director Jon Young, along with several HAPI members, attended the GCA Construction update dinner held at the Honolulu Country Club on August 12.  Presentations were made by the City’s Department of Design and Construction (DDC), Department of Transportation (DOT),  University of Hawaii (UH), and Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS).

DDC: Discussed projects from each of their four divisions.  The slide on the rehabilitation of streets was of the most interest to HAPI (see below).
DOT: Discussion of on-going and future projects for their three division: Airports, Harbors, and Highways.
DAGS: Review the Governor’s goals; current and upcoming projects; and anticipated bid schedule.
UH: The reorganization of their Facilities department and their Hels system.

DDC presentation (Mr. Mark Yonamine)
DOT presentation (Mr. Ford Fuchigami)
UH presentation (Mr. Sherman Wong)
DAGS presentation (Mr. Roderick Becker)


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