The State Asphalt Pavement Associations (SAPA) conducted their annual winter meeting on the Friday (January 26th) before the NAPA meeting at Orlando, Florida.
The meeting started with introductions of people new to the SAPAs such as Tim Smith from Maryland and Chuck Latvis from Massachusetts. The introductions were followed by SAPA business including:
- Overview of P/L, Balance Sheet
- SAPWG Update
- Women of Asphalt Update
- Update on Committee & Task Group Assignments
- PEC Assignments & Updates
- Takeaways from Recent Meetings – TRB, FHWA, etc.
Updates from NAPA, the Asphalt Institute, and the Asphalt Pavement Alliance were the topic of discussion in the afternoon.
There also three roundtable topics that each SAPA had a minute to share their experiences:
- Whoops, I Did It Again – Lessons Learned from a Mistake You’ve Made Since the Summer Meeting
- This is What Makes Me Unique – What Is Something Your SAPA is Doing that Others Could Emulate?
- Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop – What’s Ahead for Your SAPA in 2024?
The business meeting closed with a SAPA 2024 Summer Meeting update followed by a transition to 2024 Slate of Officers & Adjournment:
- Chair: John Hickey, Oregon
- Vice-Chair: Russell Snyder, California
- Secretary: Kevin Burke, Illinois
- Treasurer: Erich Ponti, Louisiana
The SAPA dinner was an excellence way to close out the day. During the dinner program Marshall Klinefelter efforts were recognized for his many years of service to the Maryland association and the SAPAs. Reed Ryan was awarded a plaque from the SAPAs in appreciation of his four years of service as an officer.
Jon Young and Travis Walbeck (NCAT)
Business Meeting
The SAPA Officers Travis Walbeck (NCAT) Passing the gravel from Reed Ryan on the left to John Hickey.

Goodbyes at Dinner
Marshall Klinefelter with his wife Robin on his left and Reed Ryan on his right Incoming Chair John Hickey presenting outgoing Chair Reed Ryan with an appreciation plaque from the SAPAs