2024 NCAT Test Track Conference

The Test Track Conference, a triennial event, presents groundbreaking research from the latest cycle of accelerated pavement testing. It’s a two-and-a-half-day showcase of advancements in the design, construction, technologies, and maintenance of more sustainable and longer-lasting asphalt pavements.

The Test Track Conference for the eighth research cycle was conducted on May 7-9, 2024 at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center in Auburn, Alabama. Many topics were presented during the conference (click here for conference brochure). Of the many topics (see the
8th Cycle Test Track Report) three were most pertinent to Hawaii:

  • Balanced Mix Design-Marshall (Tennessee DOT): BMD test specimens are typically made using a gyratory compactor. However, Hawaii is a Marshall Mix Design state. The Tennessee DOT was interested in knowing whether or not specimens made using a 4-inch Marshall hammer can be used to produced IDEAL-CT specimens.
  • Balanced Mix Design w/RAP (Oklahoma DOT): Oklahoma DOT has been using BMD to evaluate mixes with higher percent RAP. HDOT is considering doing something similar in an effort to increase the percent RAP allowed in the surface mixes.
  • Pavement Preservation: The results of preservation treatments on Lee Road 159 were presented. Cracking, roughness, and friction are monitored to help agencies, such as HDOT, make inform pavement treatment decisions. Click here for an overview of the treatments used.


  • Test Track Findings: This document highlights the main conclusions of topics that span 24 years of research.
  • Test Track Report Synopsis: This synopsis offers a concise overview of the research and findings from the 8th research cycle.
  • 8th Cycle Test Track Report: This report provides detailed research and findings of experiments from the 8th research cycle.
    • Balanced Mix Design-Marshall (Tennessee DOT) report starts on page 228.
    • Balanced Mix Design w/RAP (Oklahoma DOT) report starts on page 191.
  • Pavement Preservation Webinars: The NCAT-MnRoad PG Study Findings Webinar series is designed to discuss the construction, performance, and conclusions from our test sections, with a focus on implementation of findings.

Significant Findings from the 2021 NCAT Test Track is the topic of the June 20th NCAT Implementation Webinar. Click here to register.

Note: At the end of the photos is the Find That Crack game. See if you can find the cracks in the pavement.

Conference Photos

Conference presenters

All presentations were made in the auditorium

Wednesday Night Conference Dinner

Test Track Tour

HAPI Member Exhibitors

Not shown – Kraton Corporation

Shout out to Hawaii

Fan Yin visiting plastic in asphalt road in Hawaii

Find the Crack . . .

Click here to see the cracks
Click here to see the cracks
Click here to see the cracks

Photos of cracks by Dave Timm, Brasfield & Gorrie Professor of Civil Engineering, Auburn University.

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Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry
1287 Kalani Street, Suite 202
Honolulu, HI 96817
Tel: 808.847.HAPI (4274)
Email: jon@hawaiiasphalt.org
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