In early August, the 2017 SAPA summer meeting took place in sunny and humid St. Augustine, Florida.
The meeting started with reports from the Asphalt Institute (AI), the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA), and the Asphalt Pavement Alliance (APA). AI reported that they are working on a revision of their MS-22 Construction Manual MS-22 and NCHRP Project 20-05 Synthesis on Tack Coats. NAPA followed noted that the OSHA Silica Rule is big focus and that the Pavement Economics Committee (PEC) is being restructured. The APA shared that their strategic focus is on PaveXpress, Commercial Markets, and LCCA.
Officers for the upcoming year are: Bruce Barkevich (New York) to serve as Treasurer, Larry Patrick (Oklahoma) as Secretary, Ashley Batson (South Carolina) as Vice Chair, and Dale Williams (Missouri) as Chair.
In the “Show and Tell” segments of the meeting, each SAPA had the opportunity to provide a very brief response to the following questions:
• What is newest/coolest/innovative thing your association has done this year?
• How are you being intentional about marketing?
• What is the biggest threat facing your industry?
• What is a new idea/practice that you did this past year that worked or didn’t OR was could you use help on in your state?
The highlight of the meeting was the Association Management Training by Bob Harris, CAE. He gave tips and best practices for association management, which cause the executives to evaluate how they have been running their association.
While the executives were meeting, their spouses spent time together. On day 1, they enjoyed a scenic cruise of St. Augustine and lunch. The day 2 activity was a guided tour of the Lightner Museum and Flagler College.
We look forward to next year’s meeting in St. Louis, Missouri.
Photos from the various activities:
- Welcome to the meeting!
- Sunday Dinner
- Sunday Dinner
- Monday Dinner
- SAPA Meeting room
- NAPA Staff at the meeting
- Executive committee members
- SAPA Executives
- Association Management Training
- Speaker Bob Harris
- Sample Stragic Plan
- Day 1 Spouse Event
- Day 1 Spouse Event
- Day 1 Spouse Event
- Day 2 Spouse Event
- Day 2 Spouse Event