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Suggested Reading

Asphalt Institute. (1997). Mix Design Methods for Asphalt, Manual Series No. 2 (MS-02). Asphalt Institute. Lexington, KY.

Asphalt Institute. (2001). Superpave Mix Design. Superpave Series No. 2 (SP-02). Asphalt Institute. Lexington, KY.

Roberts, F.L.; Kandhal, P.S.; Brown, E.R.; Lee, D.Y. and Kennedy, T.W. (1996). Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design, and Construction. National Asphalt Pavement Association Education Foundation. Lanham, MD.

Publications Cited in this Section

Asphalt Institute. (2001). HMA Construction. Manual Series No. 22 (MS-22). Asphalt Institute. Lexington, KY.

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