The UH, the city’s Department of Facility Maintenance, and HAPI collaborated to 1) determine the treatments to be included in the study and 2) to select the roads.
The treatments selected for this project are all currently available in Hawaii including slurry seal, seal coat, fog seal, and crack sealing. HAPI members Alakona Corp., Crafco, Inc., GP Roadway Solutions, Group HI, Oahu Sealcoating and Paving LLC, and SealMaster Hawaii are contributing to the project by donating the materials and labor required to apply the various treatments.
Road selection was based on the three R’s of pavement treatments: Right Road, Right Treatment and Right Time. The project will look at treatments on low volume roads and cul-de-sacs which the project team found in Pearl City and Waipahu. The selected roads were last resurfaced about six to seven years ago (right time) and were in relatively good condition, with mostly environmentally induced cracking and/or weathering (right road).
List of treatments is forthcoming, but treatments can be found on the road location exhibits below.
Road Locations:
Straight segments: