Each month HAPI distributes a newsletter via email. Our executive director provides HAPI updates and industry news to keep you apprised of new developments. Each issue features a project by one of our members, with a brief insight into their company, as well as a calendar of upcoming local and national events. Occasionally, a technical bulletin, related to the featured project will also be included at the end of the newsletter.
If you are interested in receiving a copy of our newsletter please complete our contact form to indicate your interest in joining our mailing list.
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts
Reports and Announcements: HAPI Holiday Game results; Kauai Construction Career Day; WofA Hawaii Branch; Talk Story with Jhony Habbouche; Executive Director’s Visit to Sakai in Japan; LCTM Grant; Job Postings.
Featured Article: 2024 HAPI Resource Guide
Website Highlight: Women of Asphalt-Hawaii Branch Webpage
Asphalt Video: Women of Asphalt Day 2024
Featured Industry Articles: Women of Asphalt Member Profiles
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts
Reports and Announcements: 2024 Photo Contest Results; BMD Implementation workshop; Use of Geosynthetics workshops; Talk Story with Jhony Habbouche; e-ticketing initiative; Job Postings.
Featured Project: Pavement Preservation of Streets – Seal Coat, Ewa Beach, Oahu, Hawaii
Featured Member: G P Roadway Solutions
Website Highlight: Mix Design Fundamentals – It’s a Balance
Asphalt Video: Performance Tests used for BMD
Featured Industry Articles: Thoughts on BMD – Asphalt Institute
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts; Use of Geosynthetics Workshops; Airfield Paving Webinar Series.
Reports and Announcements: 2025 HAPI Scholarships; Talk Story with Jhony Habbouche; Career Day Events; New NAPA Resource Center; CEE 372 Construction Materials; Job Postings.
Featured Article: HDOT’s Perpetual Pavement Award
Website Highlight: Career Day Events
Asphalt Video: NCAT Recorded Implementation Webinars
Featured Industry Articles: What Does Making Space For Women In The Asphalt Industry Mean?
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts; Use of Geosynthetics Workshops
Reports and Announcements: 2025 HAPI Scholarships; Plastics in Asphalt; Women of Asphalt; Mililani High School Career Night: New Members; Job Postings.
New HAPI Members: AWP Safety, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., and Maui Traffic Control Services LLC
Featured Member: Road Builders Corporation
Pavement Guide Highlight: Compaction
Asphalt Video: Density
Featured Industry Articles: Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC)
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts; Understanding a Job Mix Formula Submittal; Use of Geosynthetics Workshops; HDOT Field Sampling & Testing Qualification Program.
Reports and Announcements: HAPI Officers; 2025 HAPI Scholarships; HAPI Lunch Meeting; SAPA Summer Meeting; Job Postings.
Featured Project: Pavement Preservation of Streets – Crack Seal, Ewa Beach, Oahu, Hawaii
Featured Member: Miller’s Paving LLC
Pavement Guide Highlight: Maintenance
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Crack Type Identification
Featured Industry Articles: How to Crack Seal Right, Step by Step
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts.
Reports and Announcements: Talk Story with Phil Blankenship; Bob Jerman retiring from ISSA; Job Postings.
Featured Project: Route 14 Resurfacing from Route 1 to Route 14B
Featured Member: Hawaiian Rock Products
Website Highlight: FAQs – Is RAP just a black rock?
Asphalt Videos: Michigan’s roads are worse than Ohio’s – what are they doing right? and What will it take to really fix Michigan’s roads?
Featured Industry Articles: HeyNAPA
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts; Talk Story with Phil Blankenship.
Reports and Announcements: Joseph Shacat leaving NAPA; TRIP Fact Sheet; Job Postings.
Featured Project: Kilauea Avenue and Keawe Street Rehabilitation
Featured Member: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd.
Pavement Guide Highlight: Maintenance
Asphalt Video: (Podcast) Pave it Black – Airfield Specifications
Featured Industry Articles: Two New Resources for Fighting Bad Joints, Emulsion Task Force Spreads Word About New Specs for Pavement Preservation, and a Preservation Primer
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts
Reports and Announcements: Best Practices for Asphalt Paving; NCAT Test Track Conference; Sakai America Factory Visit; Jhony Habbouche; New AIEI Program; NAPA Latest WMA/RAP Survey; Job Postings.
Featured Article: Hawaii DOT Pilots EDOT Platform
Featured Member: HaulHub Technologies
HAPI Pavement Guide Highlight: HMA Mixes
Asphalt Video: Top Engineering Leadership Tips to Excel in Your Career
Featured Industry Article: Is RAP Just a black rock?
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts; Best Practices for Asphalt Pavements. — Reports and Announcements: Hey NAPA; Mililani High School Career Night; Job Postings
Featured Article: LTAP/HAPI 2024 Annual Paving Conference
HAPI Pavement Guide Highlight: Parking Lots
Asphalt Video: NAPA’s Emerald Eco-Label Tool
Featured Industry Article: NAPA’s IS 139 High RAP Asphalt Pavements – Japan Practice
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts; LTAP/HAPI Annual Conference; Best Practices for Asphalt Pavements.
Featured Article: NAPA Annual Meeting
HAPI Website Highlight: On-Line Library
Asphalt Video: Discussing Mental Health and Suicide in Construction
Featured Industry Article: Asphalt Sustainability – Contracting mechanisms, project delivery methods and green public procurement
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts, Understanding a JMF Submittal; LTAP/HAPI Annual Conference; Best Practices for Asphalt Pavements.
Reports and Announcements: HAPI Lunch Meeting; CAPRI Chats; Job Postings.
Featured Project: Runway 8L Widening Phase 2 at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport
Featured Member: Grace Pacific, LLC
Website Highlight: FAQ: Is Asphalt Flammable?
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Mixture Automated Testing System
Featured Industry Article: BIH Construction Preview Issue – Paving Over Lava: A Minefield of Unique Challenges
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts, Understanding a JMF Submittal; LTAP/HAPI Annual Conference; Best Practices for Asphalt Pavements.
Reports and Announcements: Updated MUTCD; HAPI Resource Guide; Job Postings.
Featured Article: A Look Back at 2023 and Forward to 2024
HAPI Website Highlight: HAPI Photo Events Calendar
Asphalt Video: 5 Forces on an Asphalt Paver Screed
Featured Industry Article: Select Your Plate Compactor MVP
HAPI Holiday Card!
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts
Reports and Announcements: HAPI Holiday Game report, Visit to Sakai factory in Japan, Castle High School Career Exposure Fair, Job Postings
New HAPI Member: Hawaii Paving
Featured Article: 2023 HAPI Resource Guide
Pavement Guide Highlight: Recycled HMA
Asphalt Video: Three Principles of Asphalt Recycling
Featured Industry Article: Prioritizing RAP
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts.
New HAPI Member: ParEn, Inc. dba Park Engineering
Featured Project: Repair Bucholz Army Airfield (BAAF)
Featured Member: Road and Highways Builders, LLC
Pavement Guide Highlight: Airfields
Asphalt Video: U.S. Army Garrison Kwajalein Atoll
Featured Industry Article: Five handy rules of thumb for successful asphalt pavement construction
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts, Understanding a JMF Submittal Workshop.
New HAPI Member: ParEn, Inc. dba Park Engineering
Featured Article: Outperforming the Pavement Smoothness Specification
Website Highlight: FAQ: What does porous asphalt cost?
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Pavement Principles – Smoothness
Featured Industry Article: AAPT Annual Report
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts, Use of Geosynthetic Workshops.
Reports and Announcements: 2024 HAPI Scholarship, MAIREINFRA 2023 Conference; Member Update; Job Postings
Featured Project: Rehabilitation of Localized Streets Phase 14D (Maunalani Heights)
Featured Member: Road Builders Corporation
Website Highlight: Updated HAPI Career page
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Mixture Sample Preparation Guide
Featured Industry Article: Automated Quality Assurance
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts, Understanding a JMF Submittal Workshop.
Reports and Announcements: 2024 HAPI Scholarship, HAPI Lunch Meeting; Asphalt Institute in Hawaii; SAPA Summer Meeting; Job Postings
Featured Article: Outperforming the Pavement Smoothness Specification
Website Highlight: FAQ: What does porous asphalt cost?
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Pavement Principles – Smoothness
Featured Industry Article: AAPT Annual Report
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts.
Reports and Announcements: HAPI Officers; 2024 HAPI Scholarship Announcement; AASTHO re:source podcast: HAPI Talks Plastic Roads; Spot Light Hawaii: Ed Sniffen; Job Postings
Featured Article: Road to Recovery
Featured Member: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd.
Asphalt Video: 2018 Eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii
Featured Industry Article: A Look Back at the 2018 Kilauea Eruption
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts; MDT Certification.
Featured Article: Hawaii LTAP Update
Website Highlight: On-line Library
Asphalt Video: Pavement Preservation Webinars
Featured Industry Article: Granite 2022 Sustainability Report
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts; MDT Certification.
Reports and Announcements: Geosynthetics Field Installation Notes Tracker; HDOT Hawaii featured in AASTHO re:source podcast; Job Postings
Featured Article: Best Practices Workshops Report
Website Highlight: Specifying Asphalt Pavement Mixtures
Featured Industry Article: Future Challenges for the Asphalt Paving Industry
Training Opportunities: HAPI Shorts; Talk Story with Rob Rosson; MDT Certification.
Reports and Announcements: APWA Meet and Greet; Leilehua High School Career Night; Job Postings
Featured Article: 2nd Annual LTAP/HAPI Paving Conference
Website Highlight: Job Postings
Asphalt Video: Three Industry Podcasts
Featured Industry Article: NCAT 2022 Annual Report
Featured Article: SAPA Winter Meeting and NAPA Annual Meeting
Website Highlight: What is the Cure Time for Asphalt?
Asphalt Video: NAPA Emerald Eco-Label EPD Tool
Featured Industry Articles: What Everyone in the Asphalt Industry Needs to Know About EPDs and Material EPDs – What They Tell Us and What They Do Not
New HAPI member: Rock Solid Project Solutions
Featured Project: Interstate Route H-1 Rehabilitation, Salt Lake Boulevard to Airport Viaduct
Featured Member: Grace Pacific, LLC
Pavement Guide Highlight: Your Input is Welcomed!
Asphalt Video: Performance Testing
Featured Industry Article: BIH Construction Preview Issue – Performance Testing
New HAPI member: Kirschner Contractors
Featured Article: A Look Back at 2022 and Forward to 2023
Website Highlight: 2022 Website Updates
Asphalt Video: Every Day Counts Round 7 Overview
Featured Industry Article: 2022 APA Annual Report
Featured Article: 2022 HAPI Resource Guide
Website Highlight: National Public Works Week in Hawaii
Asphalt Video: Diving into Rejuvenators with Cargill Anova® Asphalt Solutions
Featured Industry Article: Georgia addresses pavement performance problems linked to high RAP usage
New HAPI members: HaulHub Technologies, Pacific GeoSource, and Pape Machinery
Featured Article: Jon in Japan
Website Highlight: Japan Road Contractors Association (JRCA)
Asphalt Video: Sakai Guardman auto brake assist system technology
Featured Industry Article: IS 139: High RAP Asphalt Pavements Japan Practice
Featured Article: October Special Edition – Mayoral Candidates Q&A
Pavement Guide Highlight: Maintenance
Asphalt Video: The Road Forward: NAPA’s Climate Mission
Featured Industry Article: Improved Asphalt Pavement Sustainability Through Perpetual Pavement Design
New HAPI member: Crafco
Featured Project: Windward Mall Parking Lot Improvement, Phase 1
Featured Member: Miller’s Paving
Pavement Guide Highlight: Parking Lots
Asphalt Video: Best Practices for Parking Lot Design and Construction
Featured Industry Article: Parking Lot Design
Featured Project: Koa Ridge Offsite Improvements
Featured Member: Road Builders Corporation
Pavement Guide Highlight: Quality Assurance
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Quality Control
Featured Industry Article: Reviewing Asphalt Test Results
Featured Article: Asphalt Testing
Website Highlight: HAPI News – LTAP Nostalgia
Asphalt Video: ATS – Producing with High RAP
Featured Industry Article: RAP: Paving the Way to Sustainability
Featured Article: WON 1585894 Paving Lot D/Restripe & Safety Improvements, JBPHH
Featured Member: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd.
Website Highlight: HAPI News
Asphalt Video: BMD mechanical tests of asphalt mixtures
Featured Industry Article: Fuel Resistant Asphalt (FRA)
New HAPI member: Engineering Concepts, Inc.
Featured Article: Compaction – Oscillatory Rollers
Pavement Guide: Superpave mix design method
Asphalt Video: Training in Your Pocket – Gyratory Compactor
Featured Industry Article: All Eyes on Oscillation
New HAPI member: Arkema-Road Science, Bacon Universal Co., Inc., Lakeside Industries and Stansteel
Featured Article: 2022 HAPI Paving Conference report
Pavement Guide: Compaction
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Pavement Principles-Density and Durability
Featured Industry Article: The Right (of) Way
New HAPI member: HeadLight, Lakeside Industries-EZ Street Asphalt, and TenCate Geosynthetics Americas
Featured Article: Non-Destructive Testing
Featured Member: Pavement Technical Solutions, Inc.
Website: Frequently Asked Questions
Asphalt Video: Training in Your Pocket (YouTube Channel)
Featured Industry Article: Georgia addresses pavement performance problems linked to high RAP usage
Featured Article: 2022 SAPA Winter Meeting and 2022 NAPA Annual Meeting Report
Website Highlight: Industry Links
Asphalt Video: The Road Forward: NAPA’s Climate Mission
Featured Industry Article: How to Micro Surface
Featured Article: A look back and a look forward.
Pavement Guide: 2022 Goal is to update our guide.
Asphalt Video: Paving of the Atlanta Motor Speedway.
Featured Industry Article: Utah Thick Lift Stands Up to Truck Traffic
Featured Article: Kilauea Avenue Rehabilitation, Island of Hawaii
Featured Member: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd.
Pavement Guide: Drainage
Asphalt Video: Importance of State Asphalt Pavement Associations
Western/Pacific Blog: EDC-6 to Impact Asphalt Production Facilities
New HAPI members: Construction Engineering Labs, Inc. and Henry’s Equipment Rental & Sales, Inc.
Featured Article: Installation of Pavement Preservation Strategies and Surface Treatments at Various Locations, Island of Maui
Featured Member: Maui Paving, LLC
Pavement Guide: Arterials and Highways
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Crack Type Identification
Western/Pacific Blog: Federal Funds Will Be A ‘Shot In The Arm’ For Hawaii’s Infrastructure
Featured Article: Koa Ridge Development
Featured Member: Road Builders Corporation
Pavement Guide: Residential Streets
Asphalt Video: Recorded 2021 Balanced Mix Design Conference
Western/Pacific Blog: Top 12 finalists in the 2021 America’s Transportation Awards
Featured Article: 2021 Annual Public Works Conference
Pavement Guide: Update Standard Hawaii Mixes
Asphalt Video: Training in Your Pocket – Asphalt Pavers
Western/Pacific Blog: HDOT Climate Adaption Action Plan
Featured Article: Rehab of Streets in the Mapunapuna Industrial Park
Featured Member: Road and Highway Builders, LLC
Pavement Guide: Drainage
Asphalt Video: Recorded 2021 National Pavement Perservation Virtual Conference
Western/Pacific Blog: Inaugural Perpetual Pavement by Conversion Award
Featured Article: A Review of the Last 5 Years
Website Highlight: The HAPI Website
Asphalt Video: HAPI’s YouTube Channel
Western/Pacific Blog: Got face masks? Make a road!
Featured Article: Resurface Tri-Intersection
Featured Member: Hawaiian Rock Products
Pavement Guide: Asphalt
Asphalt Video: VAA Talking Pavements Webcast
Western/Pacific Blog: Running deflection testing in tandem
New HAPI member: Gilson Company, Inc.
Featured Article: Managing Commercial & Private Pavements
Website Highlight: Members and Information About Membership
Asphalt Video: Training in Your Pocket by NCAT
Western/Pacific Blog: Asphalt Barrier Prevents Contaminants
New HAPI member: Hawaiian Rock Products Corporation
Featured Article: 2021 Virtual NAPA Annual Meeting
Website Highlight: Members and Information About Membership
Asphalt Video: Ray Brown Award Winner
Western/Pacific Blog:APA Pacific Blog – Facebook and LinkedIn pages
New HAPI members: HCA Consulting Group International and Laulea Engineering, LLC
Featured Article: Queens Gate Repaving
Featured Consultant Member: Okahara and Associates, Inc.
Featured Contractor Member: Miller’s Paving LLC
Pavement Guide: HAPI Design Checklist
Asphalt Video: Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane
Western/Pacific Blog: Breathing Easy with the Asphalt Production Industry
Featured Article: A Look Back at 2020 and a Look Forward to 2021
Website Highlight: On-line Library
Asphalt Video: EDC-6 Overview
Western/Pacific Blog: Top Roads in 2020
New HAPI member: Construction Management & Engineering, LLC
Featured Article: Volcano Highway Repairs
Featured Member: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd.
Pavement Guide: Asphalt and Aggregate
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Production and Construction
Western/Pacific Blog: Is it possible to maintain permeable pavements?
New HAPI member: Sullivan-Palatek, Inc.
Featured Article: Pavement Forensics
Pavement Guide: Pavement Distresses
Asphalt Video: Pavement Distresses in Parking Lots
Western/Pacific Blog: National Pavement Safety Month
Featured Article: Mt. Ka’ala Road Pavement Repair
Featured Member: Road Builders Corporation
Pavement Guide: Compaction
Asphalt Video: Drive up Mt. Ka’ala Road
Western/Pacific Blog: FHWA Inspection Checklists
New HAPI members: Ames Engineering, Inc. and SSI
Featured Article: Perpetual Pavements
Pavement Guide: Perpetual Pavements
Asphalt Video: Perpetual Pavement Design
Western/Pacific Blog: The Asphalt Advantage: Perpetual Pavements
Featured Article: UH Pavement Materials Lab
Pavement Guide: Quality
Asphalt Video: AASHTO Accreditation Program
Western/Pacific Blog: Plastic use in asphalt pavements
Featured Article: HAPI Fulfilling Its Mission
Pavement Guide: References
Asphalt Video: The road is the place to be
Western/Pacific Blog: Arizona DOT’s Safety Messages Contest
Featured Article: Kamehameha Highway Resurfacing (Pearl City)
Featured Member: Road and Highway Builders, LLC
Pavement Guide: Rehabilitation
Asphalt Video: Resurfacing Work – KHON2 Report
Western/Pacific Blog: Asking a different question
Featured Article: Pali Highway Resurfacing
Pavement Guide: Environmental Considerations
Asphalt Video: Pali Highway Landslides – KHON2 Report
Western/Pacific Blog: Factory Street Resurfacing
New HAPI member: Pavement Technical Solutions, Inc.
Featured Article: Highlights from the 2020 NAPA Annual Meeting
Pavement Guide: HAPI Design Checklist
Asphalt Video: Dream Builders
Western/Pacific Blog: MS 22 – Construction of Quality Asphalt Pavements
Featured Article: Tack Coat Materials
Pavement Guide: Surface Preparation
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Emulsions 101
Western/Pacific Blog: NCHRP Synthesis 516: Tack Coat Specs
Featured Article: A Look Back and a Look Forward
Pavement Guide: Pavement Guide
Asphalt Video: Women in Construction
Western/Pacific Blog: Nevada DOT – Rubblization
New HAPI member: Hirata & Associates, Inc.
Featured Project: Kalani Street Drainage
Featured Member: Austin, Tsutsumi & Associates, Inc.
Pavement Guide: Pavement Facts
Asphalt Video: What is NCAT?
Western/Pacific Blog: Alaska DOT – A Different Approach for Decision Making
Construction Career Day in Hilo; HAPI Lunch Meeting in Hilo
New HAPI member: Hirata & Associates, Inc.
Featured Project: Temporary Container Storage Yard
Featured Member: Grace Pacific LLC
Pavement Guide: Heavy industrial facilities
Asphalt Video: Hawaii Construction Career Days
Western/Pacific Blog: Kris Strickler – Challenges
New HAPI members: Okahara and Associates Inc., Maxam Equipment, Inc., and Peterson Bros. Construction
Featured Project: IDIQ Pavement Repairs, UH Campuses
Featured Member: Road Builders Corporation
Pavement Guide: Pavement Distress
Asphalt Video: Myth #3 – Fix potholes right the first time
Western/Pacific Blog: How should your state found road needs?
New HAPI members: Consolidated Engineering Laboratories (CEL) and Miller’s Paving LLC
Featured Project: Hawaii Ocean View Estates Chip Seal
Featured Member: SealMaster Hawaii
Pavement Guide: Pavement Maintenance
Asphalt Video: Kansas Chip Seal
Western/Pacific Blog: FHWA Pavement Preservation Workshop
New HAPI member: Fukunaga & Associates, Inc.
Featured Article: Airfield Paving Clinic Workshop
Pavement Guide: Airfield Pavements
Asphalt Video: OAK Runway 12-30 Rehabilitation
Western/Pacific Blog: Alaskan Runway Paving
Featured Article: Long-Lasting Asphalt Paved Roads
Pavement Guide: Pavement Maintenace
Asphalt Video: FHWA – Long-Life Pavements
Western/Pacific Blog:Effects of Truck Platooning
New HAPI member: G70
Featured Article: HAPI Training in April
Pavement Guide: Smoothness
Asphalt Video: FHWA – Smoothness
Western/Pacific Blog:Volcano Scientists, National Park Talks Eruption Annivery
Featured Article: NAVFAC Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract for Paving
Featured HAPI Member: Road Builders Corporation
Pavement Guide: Compaction
Asphalt Video: FHWA – Density and Durability
Western/Pacific Blog: Alaska – Broken Apart, Coming together
Featured Article: The Path to a Specification Update – Oscillatory Rollers
Pavement Guide: Flexible asphalt overlay on rigid pavement
Asphalt Video: Paving the Abraham Lincoln Bridge
Western/Pacific Blog: New Nevada Highway
Featured Article: Pali Momi Street Resurfacing
Featured HAPI Member: Grace Pacific LLC
Pavement Guide: Pavement Types
Asphalt Video: Newly Paved Pali Momi Street in Pearlridge Center
Western/Pacific Blog: Can an Avalanche be a Good Thing?
New HAPI member: Ingevity, Inc.
Featured Article: Highlights from the 2019 NAPA Annual Meeting
Pavement Guide: Three basic mix types
Asphalt Video: A road that performs
Western/Pacific Blog: Learn about Lakeside Industries from Washington State
Featured Article: A look back to 2018 and forward to 2019
Pavement Guide: HAPI Asphalt Pavement Guide
Asphalt Video: The Road is the place to be?
Western/Pacific Blog: How Alaska fixed its earth-quake shatter roads in just days
New HAPI member: Community Planning and Engineering, Inc.; Gilson Company Inc.; and HDR
Featured Article: Lead by Your Sample
Pavement Guide: Quality Assurance
Asphalt Video: Job of a Quality Control (QC) technician
Asphalt Fact: This monthly feature will no longer be included in our newsletter
Featured Article: Kalaeloa Asphalt Terminal
Featured HAPI Members: Asphalt Hawaii
Pavement Guide: Mix Types
Asphalt Video: Video Institucional – Kraton Polymers
Asphalt Fact #50: Asphalt has a proven track record when it comes to long life and smoothness
Featured Article: Industry Resources
Pavement Guide: Pavement Types
Asphalt Video: Thin Overlay Treatment, Tenth Avenue, Nashville, TN
Asphalt Fact #114: The Pringle Creek Community in Oregon uses porous asphalt.
Featured Article: Queen Kaahumanu Highway Widening Phase 2
Featured HAPI Members: Grace Pacific, LLC
Pavement Guide: Pavement Types
Asphalt Video: Queen Kaahumanu Highway Project Phase 2 – updated status report by HDOT on 10/26/18.
Asphalt Fact #25: Of the 2/27 millions of paved roads in the US, 94% is surfaced with asphalt.
Featured Article: The Transformation of Saddle Road
Pavement Guide: Arterials and Highways
Asphalt Video: Saddle Road dedication ceremony on 10/17/17
Asphalt Fact #25: . . . smoother pavements can reduce fuel consumption . . .
Technical Builetin: Links to articles about the Saddle Road transformation
New HAPI member: DMK & Assocaties
Featured Article: Crack Seal Repairs at Various Locations, Island of Oahu
Featured HAPI Members: SealMaster Hawaii and Safety Systems and Signs Hawaii, Inc.
Pavement Guide: Pavement Maintenance
Asphalt Video: CrackPro 125 machine
Asphalt Fact #05: Pavement engineers have producing long-lasting asphalt pavements . . .
New HAPI member: CEI Enterprises
Featured Article: The Asphalt Institute in Hawaii
Pavement Guide: References used to developed the guide
Asphalt Video: Asphalt Institute – Welcome to Our Facility
Asphalt Fact #109: Porous asphalt is environmentally friendly. . .
Featured Article: FHWA Pavement Preservation Workshop
Pavement Guide: Pavement Maintenance
Asphalt Video: Slurry Seal 2015
Asphalt Fact #56: Routine maintenance is . . .
New HAPI member: Astec, Inc.
Featured Article: PaveXpress and PaveInstruct
Pavement Guide: Design of Pavement Structures
Asphalt Video: Comparison of Asphalt and Concrete Pavements
Asphalt Fact #48: Pavement type selection
Featured Article: Highlights from the 2018 NAPA Annual Meeting
Pavement Guide: How asphalt pavements are placed
Asphalt Video: NAPA Work Zone
Asphalt Fact #90: Asphalt can be constructed at night, saving commuters from costly delays
Featured Article: Saddle Road East Side – Bringing an Island Together
Featured HAPI Member: Road and Highway Builders LLC
Pavement Guide: Subgrades
Asphalt Video: A tour of Saddle Road East Side
Asphalt Fact #09: Smoother pavements extend pavement life by as much as 10% to 25%
Featured Article: A Look Back and a Look Forward
Pavement Guide: Pavement Guide description
Asphalt Video: We are all dream builders
Asphalt Fact: What is asphalt?
New HAPI Members: Austin, Tsutsumi & Associates, Inc. and Bow Construction Management Services, Inc.
Featured Article: Perpetual Pavements
Pavement Guide: Perpetual Pavements
Asphalt Video: Perpetual pavement design
Asphalt Fact: #01: Perpetual asphalt pavements have been built in the United States for generations.
Executive Director Message: Career Days, HAPI 2017 Photo Contest; Past Issues
Featured Article: Porous Asphalt
Pavement Guide: Three Mix Types
Asphalt Video: Porous Asphalt
Asphalt Fact: #114: The Pringle Creek community in Oregon uses porous asphalt streets
Executive Director Message: Back to Basics NAPA webinar series; ASTM Section manual at HAPI Office; JMF Workshop report.
Featured Article: Potholes Pavement Guide: Pavement Maintenance Asphalt Video: What is a Pothole? Asphalt Fact: #035: In just a few months, asphalt turned one of America’s seven worst roads into one of the smoothest |
Executive Director Message: Annual SAPA meeting report; GCA Construction Update meeting report; HAPI DOT Sampling Training report.
New HAPI Member: Pavement Management Solutions, Inc. and Orion Engineers & Associates Featured Project: Rehabilitation of Streets , Phase 15A, Waianae, Oahu, HI Featured HAPI Member: Road Builders Corporation Pavement Guide: Marshall Method Asphalt Video: Hello, I’m Asphalt Asphalt Fact: #093: When asphalt pavement is reclaimed, the stone and asphalt cement in it are just as valuable as all-new material. |
Executive Director Message: July lunch meeting report; HAPI Officers; HAPI Ad in Building Industry Magazine; Still time to sign-up for HAPI workshops
New HAPI Member: Aqua Patch Road Materials, L.L.C. Featured Project: HART-Ramp H2R2 Construction, Pearl City, Oahu, HI Featured HAPI Members: Geotech Solutions, Inc. and Tensar Corporation Pavement Guide: Pavement performance measurement tools Asphalt Video: Asphalt: The Answer to Road Age Asphalt Fact: #03: One of the most cost-effective ways to rehabilitate and worn-out concrete highway is to rubblize it. . . |
Executive Director Message: Understanding a JMF Submittal workshop announcement; Getting Most Use of Geosynthetics workshops report; City Water Quality Rules conference; HDOT Asphalt Sampling Certification Training Workshop announcement; Changes at the HDOT Highways Division
Featured Project: Rehabilitation of Streets, IDIQ4, Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, HI Featured HAPI Member: Grace Pacific LLC Pavement Guide: The three mix types Asphalt Video: Porous Asphalt (Alexander Field) Asphalt Fact: #109: Porous Asphalt is an environmentally friendly tool . . . |
Executive Director Message: HAPI Office Aggregate Library; July lunch meeting report; ASCE golf tournament announcement
Featured Article: DIY or hire a consultant? Pavement Guide: Aggregates Asphalt Video: From the Quarry to the Road Asphalt Fact: #93: When asphalt pavement is reclaimed . . . |
Executive Director Message: Use of geosynthetics workshop; HAPI Job Postings; ACECH Symposium; Bid Results on Twitter
Featured Project: NDWP Widen Taxilanes G and L, Honolulu International Airport Featured HAPI Member: Grace Pacific LLC Pavement Guide: Airfield Pavements Asphalt Video: Asphalt Maintenance Asphalt Fact: #20: A smooth pavement maximizes tire contact |
Executive Director Message: Best Practices for Asphalt Pavements workshop report; Upcoming Tensar workshops; NCPP certification exam report.
Featured Project: Hawaii Belt Road Resurfacing, Pepeekeo to Hakalau, Big Island Featured HAPI Member: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd. Pavement Guide: Arterials and Highways Asphalt Video: Safety Matters Asphalt Fact: #43: Asphalt pavements gives the best return on investments |
Executive Director Message: HDOT Asphalt Sampling Workshop Report; NAPA’s SR 281 – Sustainability Reporting Information; Understading a JMF Submittal Workshop Announcement; Best Practices for Asphalt Pavement Workshops Announcements
Featured Project: Keola Hoonanea Parking Lot Improvements, Honolulu HI Featured HAPI Members: Blue Ocean Civil Consulting and DC Asphalt Services, Inc. Pavement Guide: Pavement Evaluation Categories Asphalt Video: Drivability is What Matters! Asphalt Fact: #58: If motorists love asphalt for its smooth ride, then what about bicyclist? |
Executive Director Message: NAPA 2017 Research Project Summary; Upcoming Training in Hawaii; HAPI Lunch Meeting Report; SAPA Winter Meeting Report; HAPI in Construction Preview Issue
Featured Article: Highlights from the 2017 NAPA Annual Meeting Pavement Guide: Asphalt Pavements are America’s Most Recycled Material Asphalt Video: When It Comes to Paving, Sustainability Matters! Asphalt Fact: #25: The Smoother the Pavement . . . |
Executive Director Message: New Monthly Feature – Asphalt Video; HDOT Asphalt Sampling Workshop; NAPA Back 2 Basics Webinar Series
New HAPI member: TM Designers Inc. Featured Article: A Look Back and Forward Pavement Guide: HAPI Asphalt Pavement Guide Asphalt Video: While You Were Asphalt Fact: Back to Basics – What is Asphalt? |
Executive Director Message: HAPI Lunch Meeting Announcement; NAPA Webinars
Featured Article: The University of Hawaii and the Asphalt Industry Pavement Guide: Design Catalog Asphalt Fact: #48: Cost Effectiveness – Pavement Type Selection |
Executive Director Message: PaveXpress Version 3.0
New HAPI member: Gray, Hong, Nojima & Associates, Inc. Featured Article: Farrington High School Track, Honolulu, HI Featured HAPI Member: Grace Pacific LLC Pavement Guide: Recreational Facilities Asphalt Fact: #58: If motorists love asphalt for its smooth ride, then what about bicyclist? |
Executive Director Message: What does it mean to be a HAPI member?
New HAPI members: Blue Ocean Civil Consulting and Broce Manufacturing Featured Article: Asphalt Institute in Hawaii Pavement Guide: Surface Preparation Asphalt Fact: #36: Tack coat plays a vital role in the quality of pavements. |
Executive Director Message: HDOT Asphalt Sampling Workshop Report; Understanding a JMF Workshop Announcement; SAPA Summer Meeting Report; GCA Update Dinner Meeting Report
Featured Article: Free On-Line Resources Pavement Guide: HAPI Check List Asphalt Fact: #04: Asphalt pavements are more economical than concrete pavements. |
Executive Director Message: Bob Humer’s Workshops Announcement; HAPI Lunch Meeting Report
Featured Article: Kalaeloa Boulevard Improvements Featured HAPI Member: R. M. Towill Corporation Pavement Guide: Rehabilitation Asphalt Fact: #84: Resurfacing an asphalt pavement creates that’s just as good as new. |
Executive Director Message: HAPI Officers; ASCE (Steve Fong) Golf Tournament; Drone Workshop.
New HAPI member: Wesley R. Segawa & Associates, Inc. Featured Article: The First Five Years Pavement Guide: Subgrade Asphalt Fact: #64: American taxpayers save over $1.5 billion per year by recycling asphalt. |
Executive Director Message: Upcoming geosynthetics workshops; HAPI lunch meeting, and HAPI Life Cycle of a Road exhibit.
Featured Article: Recap of HAPI’s Modified Asphalt workshops Pavement Guide: Top Down Cracking. Asphalt Fact: #02: A Perpetual Pavement is an asphalt pavement designed and built to last indefinitely. |
Executive Director Message: Upcoming “Talk Story” sessions with Chris Lubbers, Report on Best Practices for Asphalt Pavements workshops, National Public Works Weeks, and upcoming geosynthetics workshop
Featured Project: Hansen Road Pavement Reconstruction, Kahului, Maui, Hawaii Featured HAPI Member: Bowers + Kubota Consulting Pavement Guide: Construction Specifications. Asphalt Fact: #28: Rough roads wear out tires, shocks, and other mechanical parts faster. |
Executive Director Message: Upcoming seminars on modified asphalts; Free Webinars on Asphalt Sustainability; National Work Zone Awareness Week, Final Silica Rule.
Featured Project: Kamehameha Highway Resurfacing, Ka Uka Boulevard to Waihau Street, Oahu, Hawaii Featured HAPI Member: Grace Pacific, LLC Pavement Guide: Proper and adequate compaction. Asphalt Fact: #25: The smoother the pavement, the lower a vehicle’s fuel consumption. |
Executive Director Message: Upcoming seminars on modified asphalts; Still time to sign-up for April training.
New HAPI member: Kraton Performance Polymers, Inc. Featured Project: Hawaii Belt Road Safety Improvements, Laupahoehoe Gulch and Ka’awali’i Gulch Featured HAPI Member: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd. Pavement Guide: The three general asphalt pavement mix types. Asphalt Fact: #114: The Pringle Creek Community in Oregon uses porous asphalt streets. |
Executive Director Message: NAPA’s Research Project Summary January 2016, upcoming local training; Potholes in the media, HAPI January Lunch Meeting; SAPA Winter Meeting report.
Featured Article: Highlights from the 2016 NAPA Annual Meeting Pavement Guide: People in the paving industry. Asphalt Fact: #21: Even pavements that were not designed to be perpetual can become perpetual pavements – one inch at a time. |
Executive Director Message: HAPI Members continue to contribute to City’s repaving program; HAPI YouTube Channel; HAPI Twitter Account
Featured Article: A look back at 2015 and a look forward to 2016 Pavement Guide Highlight: HAPI Design Checklist Asphalt Fact: #84: Resurfacing an asphalt pavement creates a road that’s smooth, durable, safe, and quiet. |
Executive Director Message: HAPI Lunch Meeting; Rons Construction Corp. and Oahu Sealcoating & Paving featured in PavingPro magazine; FREE recorded TRB presentations – crack sealing process.
Featured Article: City and County of Honolulu Pavement Preservation Program Pavement Guide Highlight: Pavement Maintenance Asphalt Fact #129: Neither asphalt pavement or reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) leach petroleum. |
Executive Director Message: GCA Construction Update Dinner
New HAPI member: Hida, Okamoto & Associates, Inc. Featured Article: Sustainability and Asphalt Pavements Pavement Guide Highlight: Quality Assurance Asphalt Fact #75: Studies in Iowa, Kansas, and Ohio showed that asphalt pavements were more economical than concrete over the study period. |
Executive Director Message: Mana Drag Strip – OCEA Award; Building Industry Hawaii article; NAPA Webinars.
Featured Article: Smoothness Featured HAPI Member: Roadtec, Inc. Pavement Guide Highlight: Segregation and Temperature Differentials Asphalt Fact #25: The smoother the pavement, the lower a vehicle’s fuel consumption. |
Executive Director Message: SAPA Summer Meeting; GCA Construction Update Dinner; HAPI in Building Industry magazine; Understanding a JMF Submittal workshop.
New HAPI member: R.M. Towill Corporation Featured Article: Kalanianaole Highway Resurfacing – West Hind Drive to Vicinity of Hanauma Bay Road Featured HAPI Member: Grace Pacific LLC Pavement Guide Highlight: Top Down Cracking Asphalt Fact #50: Asphalt has a proven track record when it comes to long life and smoothness. |
Executive Director Message: State executives featured in Asphalt Pro magazine; Kalaeloa Plant Tour.
New HAPI member: C.M. Consulting Featured Article: HAPI Welcomed Three Visitors Pavement Guide Highlight: Superpave Mix Method Asphalt Fact: What is asphalt made of? |
Executive Director Message: HAPI Lunch Meeting, HAPI Officers, PaveXpress webinars
Featured Article: Ala Moana Center Ewa Mall Expansion Featured HAPI Member: Rons Construction Corporation Pavement Guide Highlight: Pavement Structure Asphalt Fact: #025: A study by the Federal Highway Administration found that smoother pavements can reduce fuel consumption by trucks by up to 4.5 percent. |
Executive Director Message: Tack Coat Workshops, HAPI Lunch Meeting.
Featured Article: HAPI Training Program Update Pavement Guide Highlight: Pavement Distress Asphalt Fact: #078: When a Perpetual Pavement needs rehabilitation, road crews mill off the top layer for recycling, then put a new surface on the road. |
Executive Director Message: Training and meeting update.
Featured Article: Seal and Recoat – Central Oahu Regional Park Parking Lots Featured HAPI Member: Oahu Sealcoating and Paving LLC Pavement Guide Highlight: Design Catalog Asphalt Fact: #012: Asphalt pavements are one of our greatest renewable resources |
Executive Director Message: NAPA Talk Webinar series; FHWA Tack Coat Workshop; and the Launch of the HAPI Training Program
Featured Article: The Launch of the HAPI Training Program Pavement Guide Highlight: Aspahlt Binder Asphalt Fact: #045: Crushed concrete is rarely used as aggregate in asphalt pavement. |
Executive Director Message: HAPI’s website FAQs; NCAT Test Track Conference; HAPI’s Upcoming Training
Featured Article: Highway Funding – The Time is Now to Fix the Highway Trust Fund Pavement Guide Highlight: Aggregates Asphalt Fact: #110: Constructing porous asphalt pavements is straightforward. |
Executive Director Message: NAPA’s Research Project Summary January 2015
Featured Article: 2015 NAPA Annual Meeting Report Pavement Guide Highlight: Drainage, Drainage, Drainage Asphalt Fact: #009: Smoother pavements extend pavement life by as much as 10% to 25%. |
Executive Director Message: HAPI featured in MidWeek; HAPI members contribute to UH Research project; new newsletter feature – HAPI Asphalt Pavement Guide highlight
Featured Article: A look back at 2014 and a look forward to 2015 Pavement Guide Highlight: Design of parking lots. Asphalt Fact: #06: Perpetual pavements are built so that only the top layer needs routine maintenance. |
Executive Director Message: Intelligent compaction wins 2014 Nova Award.
Note from our President: Executive Director Jon Young recipient of ASCE 2013 Region 8 Engineer of the Year. New HAPI members: Group HI and Quality Paving Consultants Featured Article: Performance Monitoring of Preservation Treatments in Honolulu Asphalt Fact: #30: A livable future balances three key goals: vibrant communities, vital economics, and sustainable environments. |
Executive Director Message: HAPI member Forta Corporation visit to Hawaii; the hazards of night work.
New HAPI member: Bowers + Kubota Consulting Featured Project: Interstate Route H-1 Rehabilitation Featured HAPI Member: Grace Pacific LLC Asphalt Fact: #36: Of the 2.27 million of miles of paved roads in the U.S., 94% is surfaced with asphalt. |
Executive Director Message: Quick Link navigation bar; Mayor Caldwell 3rd Quarter road report; Forta Fi workshop.
Featured Article: Summary of HAPI Guests activities during the week of 9/15. Asphalt Fact: #56: Routine maintenance is simply a matter of periodically milling (about every 15 to 20 years) the surface for recycling, followed by placement of a smooth new overlay. |
Executive Director Message: PaveXpress – a simplified pavement design scoping tool
Featured Project: Mana Drag Racing Strip Improvements Featured HAPI Member: The Limtiaco Consulting Group, Inc. Asphalt Fact: #10: The Asphalt Pavement Alliance has bestowed its national Perpetual Pavement Award on more than 80 pavements. |
Executive Director Message: SAPA Summer Meeting; Asphalt FACT icon; Local training – MS-22 and P601 Specification
Featured Project: Seal Coating, Re-Striping and Repair at Waipio Peninsula Soccer Park Featured HAPI Member: SealMaster Hawaii Asphalt Fact: #05: Pavement Engineers have been producing long-lasting asphalt pavements since the 1960s. |
Executive Director Message: Asphalt Institute MS-22 seminar; Two-year moratorium on work in newly paved roads; and 2014-15 HAPI officers New HAPI member: Yogi Kwong Engineer, LLC. Featured Article: HAPI’s 25th Anniversary Celebration Featured HAPI Member: All members! Asphalt Fact: #70: Asphalt pavements provide a smooth, quiet, skid-resistant ride surface. |
Executive Director Message: Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Pavements; Asphalt Institute MS-22 seminar; and HAPI members Tensar and Geotech Solutions in action
Featured Project: Honolulu International Airport Maintenance Featured HAPI Member: FORTA Corporation Asphalt Fact: #03: One of the most cost-effective ways to rehabilitate a worn-out concrete highway is tor rubblize it, then overlay it with asphalt. |
Executive Director Message: New asphalt industry grassroots website; change in leadership at HDOT; and MS-22 Construction of Asphalt Pavements seminar
New HAPI Member: Wirtgen America Featured Article: Modified Asphalts Asphalt Fact: #153: Using advanced technology, perpetual pavements are built in layers. |
Executive Director Message: HAPI Giveaways; new and improved APA website; newly designed ISSA website; and Myth #3—Fix potholes right the first time
New NAPA member: ControlPoint Surveying, Inc. Featured Project: Runway 26L Pavement Improvements, Honolulu International Airport Featured HAPI Member: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd. Asphalt Fact: #121: Smooth asphalt roads give vehicle tires superior contact with the road. |
Executive Director Message: New NAPA Website; Free NAPA Publication – Best Practices for Emulsion Tack Coats; NAPA’s Go-to-Market effort; and the “6 Hour Shift” video
Featured Project: The County of Kauai’s Pavement Management System Asphalt Fact: #17: The asphalt industry is the country’s number one recycler. |
Executive Director Message: HAPI Members Meeting summary; DBE Certification Workshop announcement; and Warm-Mix Asphalt reaching new heights
Featured Article: NAPA 59th Annual Meeting Report Asphalt Fact: #129: Does asphalt pavement or reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) leach petroleum? The answer to this question is NO. |
Executive Director Message: Asphalt Magazine’s Year-end Thoughts; and Me Ke Aloha Pumehana to Professor C. S. Papacostas
Featured Project: HECO Waiau Power Plant, Re-paving of Parking and Yard Area Featured HAPI Members: Geotech Solutions, Inc. and Tensar Corporation Asphalt Fact: #114: The Pringle Creek Community in Oregon uses porous asphalt streets, so its roads are part of its storm water management system. |
Executive Director Message: What material makes the smoothest roads?; NAPA wins NOVA award for WMA; NAPA Talks – Environmental Product Declarations; HAPI in a national article about he SAPAs
New HAPI members: Forta Corporation, Tensar and The Limtiaco Consulting Group Featured Project: The City and County of Honolulu’s Pavement Management System Asphalt Fact: #04: Studies have shown that on average, over a 40-year period, asphalt pavements are more economical than concrete pavements. |
Executive Director Message: Environmental Product Declaration; Members in the News – Grace Pacific (Saddle Road); Co-NAPA State Directors; and Intelligent Compaction
Featured Project: Pier 38 Pavement Preservation, Oahu, Hawaii Featured HAPI Member: GP Roadway Solutions Asphalt Fact: #84: Resurfacing an asphalt pavement creates a road that’s smooth, durable, safe, and quiet – and just as good as new. |
October 2013
September 2013
August 2013
July 2013Executive Director Message: Asphalt Institute training in Honolulu
June 2013
May 2013Executive Director Message: Road Repair Status Reports, upcoming training by AI, Earth Day, and building successful parking lots |
April 2013Executive Director Message: Reports from the recently National Asphalt Pavement Association annual meeting and World of Asphalt Show and Conference |
March 2013Executive Director Message: “HAPI News” is the place to go for an article or newscast about our industry. |
February 2013Executive Director Message: New Asphalt Facts monthly item, new member Environmental Science International, Tesoro end membership in HAPI, supply of asphalt binder |
January 2013Executive Director Message: New Asphalt Facts website, Mayor Caldwell fixing potholes, and the PG Performance Grading System article in the LTAP quarterly newsletter |
December 2012Executive Director Message: Our December newsletter presents our updated website, which improves our ability to fulfill our mission of providing engineering promotion and education. |
November 2012Executive Director Message: LTAP newsletter article; National Pavement Preservation Conference presentations; NCAT WMA Webinars; HAPI story in Asphalt Pavement magazine |
October 2012Executive Director Message: It’s been just over a year since I started as the executive director of HAPI. This issue takes a look back at what we have done and also shares with you what we are working on. |
September 2012Executive Director Message: Warm Mix Asphalt seminar by FHWA; National Pavement Preservation Conference report; HAPI Officers |
August 2012Executive Director Message: HAPI member meeting; Open-graded pavement |
July 2012Executive Director Message: WMA and RAP |
June 2012Executive Director Message: ASCE Steve Fong Golf Tournament |
May 2012Executive Director Message: HAPI/LTAP seminars; LTAP newsletter article |
April 2012Executive Director Message: HAPI/LTAP Seminars |
March 2012Executive Director Message: HAPI Membership Meeting; HAPI presentation to the APWA; Shorter links to additional internet resources |
February 2012Executive Director Message: HAPI Membership Meeting |
January 2012Executive Director Message: Updated NAPA Logo |
December 2011Executive Director Message: Initial release of updated newsletter |