LTAP Nostalgia

Our executive director Jon Young, while cleaning out his office, found old issues of the Hawaii LTAP Connections quarterly newsletters. The following are highlights from the issues from 1999 to 2004.

“News From Our Partners: There are a couple of contributions by executive director Lisa Economy and one contribution from President Randy Masumoto.

Superpave is Here” is an article by Joanne Nakamura, engineer, HDOT. The article provides an account of the Superpave pilot project awarded to Grace Pacific Corporation in 1998. Since then, Superpave has rarely been used in Hawaii. The most recent use was on a Saddle Road improvement project constructed by Road and Highway Builders, LLC.

From the Summer 2004 issue, ““Hawaii LTAP Activities” included a series of four training courses developed by HAPI.

Garret Okada, engineer, HDOT authored an article titled “Smooth and Quality Asphalt Concrete Pavement.” To promote smoother pavements, workshops were conducted in November 1998 and May 1999. To improve the ride quality of our roads and highways a smoothness specification was developed.

Okada and Gary Choy (HDOT) penned an article titled ““MTRB Qualifies Highway Construction Inspectors.” It explains how HDOT developed training and qualifying all of their construction inspectors in field sampling and testing of materials to meet a federally mandated deadline of June 29, 2000.

Highway Superintendent/Overseer Conference Highlights“: Hawaii LTAP provided support for the first annual Overseer conference held on October 31 to November 2, 2000, on Maui. The conference empha­sized the establishment of communication and peer exchange between the four counties.

Click here for all available issues.

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