LTAP Maui Micro Surfacing Demonstration

The LTAP Micro Surfacing Demonstration and Peer Exchange was conducted on July 17th on Maui.  It was attended by representatives from FHWA, HDOT, the County of Hawaii, the City and County of Honolulu, HAPI, contractors, and material suppliers. 

The day began with registration and a light breakfast at the Harold W Rice Memorial Park parking lot.  Mel Chung, HDOT, provided an overview of the day’s events.

Everyone hopped into their vehicle and drove to the nearby demonstration site at Kula Highway, Route, MP 15.5-16. We all observed the application of micro surfacing by the County of Maui, Department of Public Works, Highways Division crew.  Click here for the crew in action. Next everyone gathered around the equipment to hear the crew explain how it works and answer questions from the attendees.

The event moved from the field to the meeting room at the County of Maui Service Center in Kahului.  A presentation by James Jensen and John Smith (both from the County of Maui) covered topics such as:

  • Maui County’s Program
  • Emulsion Science
  • Studies
  • Design
  • Construction
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control

The final session of the day was an open discussion. Each agency and company had the opportunity to introduce themselves and what they do. The discussion covered several topics such as what is really being done in Honolulu by DFM and by the County of Maui – slurry seal or micro surfacing.

It was an informative event and an opportunity to hear from others.

Micro Surfacing Demonstration

County of Maui Presentation

Group Discussion

Many of the photos and the video are courtesy of HDOT MTRB.

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