HAPI Office Library

Our office library offers a comprehensive collection of references, reports, handbooks, etc.  from pavement organizations and associations.  If available, we have included the link for where the document can be obtained.

National Asphalt Pavement Association - Information Series

National Asphalt Pavement Association - Quality Improvement Publication/Series

National Asphalt Pavement Association - Special Report

National Asphalt Pavement Association - Various Others

Asphalt Institute Manual Series

Asphalt Institute Informational Series

Asphalt Institute Engineering Report

National Center for Asphalt Technology

National Center for Pavement Preservation

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

Federal Highway Administration

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association

Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association

International Slurry Surfacing Association

Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists



Membership Directories

Various Others


Women of Asphalt Hawaii

Contact Us

Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry
1287 Kalani Street, Suite 202
Honolulu, HI 96817
Tel: 808.847.HAPI (4274)
Email: jon@hawaiiasphalt.org
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Asphalt Pavement Guide

An interactive guide to everything about asphalt pavements and pavement treatments including local Hawai’i guidance, procedures and designs.
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