HAPI Best Practices are procedures that have been shown by practice and experience to produce optimal results and are proposed as a standard suitable for widespread adoption within our industry.
Specifying Asphalt Pavements Mixes
Best Practice
Providing the aggregate gradation and the binder grade is the most concise way to specify an asphalt mixture on the construction plan in the specifications.
For additional information:
– Please see below.
– Attend our HAPI Shorts Session: Specifying Asphalt Pavement Mixes
Mixes Used in Hawaii
Hawaii DOT Highways Division
The following information also applies to pavements in the County of Hawaii, County of Kauai, and County of Maui. These counties have adopted the use of the HDOT specifications.
The City and County of Honolulu updated specification (not released yet) will also follow the HDOT specifications, but will in CSI format.
Recommended ways to specify the asphalt pavement mixture for the project, typically shown on the construction plans:
– State Mix IV (PG 64-16)
– State Mix IV (PG 64E-22)
– State Mix V (PG 64-16)
– State Mix V (PG 64E-22)
– HMAB (PG 64-16)
– HMAB (PG 64E-22)
The available binders are shown below:
There is only one aggregate gradation for Hot Mix Asphalt Base Course (HMAB) as shown on Table 703.03-1 from the HDOT Specifications. There are four aggregate gradations for hot mix asphalt pavements as shown on Table 703.09-2 in the HDOT Specifications (see below).
FAA Airfield Pavement
HDOT Airports Division follows the FAA Standard Specifications for Construction of Airports, Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5370-10H, Part 6 – Flexible Pavements, Item P-401 Asphalt Mix Pavement.
In general, the gradation and the binder can either specified in the project specifications or on the construction plans. Typically, they are provided in the project specifications (see example below).
Although Gradation 1, 2 or 3 (see Table 2. Aggregate below) is not explicitly stated, from the percentage by weight passing sieves, Gradation 2 is being specified for the project.
There are three aggregate gradations for hot mix asphalt pavements as shown on the table below.
The Advisory Circular provides the following guidance to determine the asphalt binder to be specified:
The UFGS are sometimes referred to as the military specifications because they are used on Army, Air Force, and Navy projects.
In general, the gradation and the binder can either specified in the project specifications or on the construction plans. Typically, they are provided in the project specifications.
The following discussion is based on information in DIVISION 32 – EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS, SECTION 32 12 16, HOT-MIX ASPHALT (HMA) FOR ROADS.
There are three aggregate gradations for hot mix asphalt pavements as shown on the Table 4 below.
Section 32 12 16 provides the following guidance to determine the asphalt cement binder to be specified:
05/03/23: First Release
Proper Care of Asphalt Pavement Cores
Under Construction: This best practice will discussion the handle of cores from the job site to the testing lab and the packaging of cores to be shipped to a off-island lab.